
إعادة تدوير مياه الصرف الصحي الحجرية

Stone processing procedures, such as cutting, polishing, and washing, generate a large amount of wastewater. This wastewater needs to be treated before it can be released into the environment to prevent pollution. However, traditional wastewater treatment methods are often inefficient, expensive, and harmful to the environment.

We custom design and install water filtration and recycling systems developed for the demanding water needs of the stone industry. The Team at Water Treatment Solutions brings together years of experience with water filtration and recycling expertise to provide the best closed-loop, zero discharge systems designed specifically for your size shop.

Main Feature

  • Recycles 100% of your process water
  • Improves product quality
  • Increases productivity and saves money
  • Designed to expand with your business
  • Satisfies industrial discharge permitting requirements
  • Turns stone sludge into manageable dry cakes
  • Several levels of automated controls

How does it work?

  • Waste water goes into dirty water pit with Sump Pump (1)
  • Dirty water is pumped into silo. As it goes up the pipe and into the silo the Flocculant is pumped in (2)
  • 1 and 2 come together.
  • After the flocculant, it goes into the Silo (3)
  • Then the heavies settle, the Pneumatic valve opens (4)
  • When 4 opens it goes into Homogenizing tank (5)
  • Then the sludge pump *6* pumps to filter press (7)
  • Clean water gravity feeds into tank (8)
