Skills: Sand industry

Desagüe de lodo de relaves de minas de China

Vietnam Machine-made Sand Factory 上一页 下一页 Material to be treated: sewage sludge Equipment configuration: tanque de sedimentación L45m * W10m * H4m, Torre de concentración: V80㎡ Extended belt filter press: KS3000 Sewage treatment capacity: 400㎡/h Advisory Latest Projects

Guangdong Fábrica de arena hecha a máquina

Guangdong Machine-made Sand Factory 上一页 下一页 Material to be treated: sewage sludge Equipment configuration: sewage tower φ4800mm, torre de purificación de agua φ2500mm, filtro prensa de banda KN2000. Capacidad de tratamiento de aguas residuales: 150㎡/h Advisory Latest Projects

Guangdong Fábrica De Cuarzo De Arena

Guangdong Quartz Sand Factory 上一页 下一页 Processing material: sewage sludge from quartz sand plant Equipment configuration: sewage tower φ3000mm, water purification tower φ2000mm, ceramic filter WK-20. Área de filtro: 20㎡ Advisory Latest Projects